All Amplify branches and offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of President’s Day.

Leave Your Bank Fees Behind

Switch to Amplify and pay $0.00 in bank fees¹ no matter how you use your money.

Fee-Free Banking

No Hidden Conditions No Qualifications Just $0.00 in Bank Fees
Stop Paying Fees

Tired of being your bank’s piggy bank?

Every year, big banks collect billions of dollars in things like overdraft fees. Switch to Amplify and you will pay $0.00 in overdraft fees, service fees, wire transfer fees, and many, many more.

What Do Banks Charge in Fees?

Unless you spend most of your time reading the fine print, you may not know what your bank will charge you until after you’ve been charged a fee. Here are four of the most common fees our customers ask about when making the switch to fee-free banking.

Maintenance Fees

Most monthly maintenance fees range from $4.95 to $10.00² unless you meet the criteria needed to waive that account. At Amplify, that number is $0.00.

Overdraft Fees

According to BankRate’s annual Checking Account and ATM Fee Study, the average overdraft fee for banks is $29.80³. At Amplify, that number is $0.00.

Foreign Transaction Fees

According to NerdWallet, the average debit card foreign transaction fees range between 1% and 3%⁴ for most major banks. At Amplify, that number is $0.00.

Stop Payment Fees

According to NerdWallet, the average stop payment fees at the major banks range from $7.50 to $31.00⁵. At Amplify, that number is $0.00.

How Do I Go Fee-Free at Amplify?

Fee-free banking at Amplify is not an add-on or a premium service. Fee-free banking is a standard benefit for every member, no matter how long you’ve been with the credit union. Follow these steps to get the most out of your Amplify experience.

Got Questions?

We know switching bank accounts can be a lot, so we want to answer as many of your questions as we can. Email us at [email protected] and we’ll have a team member answer your question within 1-2 business days.

What makes credit unions different from banks?

Do you still offer overdraft protection?

Does fee-free apply to loans?

Does Amplify offer interest on their accounts?

Are there any hidden penalties?

What about ATM fees?

Put your money where your morals are

Switch to Amplify and help make fee-free banking the standard for millions of Texans.

¹The term bank fees refers to any fees associated with the operation of personal or business deposit accounts. This includes savings accounts, checking accounts, certificates of deposit, and money market accounts. Bank fees does not refer to personal, commercial, or real estate loan products, or to third-party services offered through Amplify (such as wealth management or credit card services).
²”How monthly bank maintenance fees work, and ways to avoid them,” Business Insider.
³”Survey: Bank overdraft fees tumble to 13-year low while ATM fees are back on the rise,” BankRate.
⁴”What Banks Charge for Debit Foreign Transaction Fees,” NerdWallet.
⁵”Stop Payment: The Cost to Cancel Checks at Banks,” NerdWallet.

Please refer to the Share Account Rate DisclosureCertificate Account Rate Disclosure, and Beneficial Owner Disclosure for further information relating to the above products. See Business Fee Schedule & Rate Schedule for current rates and fees.